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Income Statement

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TATA STEEL Last 5 Year Income Statement History


Gross Sales ₹229,171 Cr₹243,353 Cr₹243,959 Cr₹156,477 Cr₹148,972 Cr
     Sales ₹224,929 Cr₹239,343 Cr₹240,560 Cr₹153,110 Cr₹144,280 Cr
     Job Work/ Contract Receipts -----
     Processing Charges / Service Income ₹373 Cr₹369 Cr₹49 Cr₹80 Cr₹166 Cr
     Revenue from property development -----
     Other Operational Income ₹3,869 Cr₹3,640 Cr₹3,350 Cr₹3,288 Cr₹4,525 Cr
Less: Excise Duty -----
Net Sales ₹229,171 Cr₹243,353 Cr₹243,959 Cr₹156,477 Cr₹148,972 Cr
Increase/Decrease in Stock ₹4,409 Cr₹-3,359 Cr₹-7,598 Cr₹1,517 Cr₹-490 Cr
Raw Material Consumed ₹97,506 Cr₹116,597 Cr₹91,077 Cr₹55,101 Cr₹64,097 Cr
     Opening Raw Materials ₹16,322 Cr₹17,356 Cr₹8,703 Cr₹7,998 Cr₹9,482 Cr
     Purchases Raw Materials ₹82,679 Cr₹100,449 Cr₹84,417 Cr₹45,998 Cr₹52,108 Cr
     Closing Raw Materials ₹16,467 Cr₹16,322 Cr₹17,356 Cr₹8,703 Cr₹7,998 Cr
     Other Direct Purchases / Brought in cost ₹14,973 Cr₹15,114 Cr₹15,313 Cr₹9,808 Cr₹10,504 Cr
     Other raw material cost -----
Power & Fuel Cost ₹10,072 Cr₹9,527 Cr₹8,028 Cr₹5,708 Cr₹6,344 Cr
     Electricity & Power ₹8,535 Cr₹8,060 Cr₹6,971 Cr₹4,999 Cr₹5,522 Cr
     Oil, Fuel & Natural gas ₹1,537 Cr₹1,467 Cr₹1,057 Cr₹709 Cr₹821 Cr
     Coals etc -----
     Other power & fuel -----
Employee Cost ₹24,510 Cr₹22,419 Cr₹23,264 Cr₹19,909 Cr₹19,152 Cr
     Salaries, Wages & Bonus ₹19,656 Cr₹18,472 Cr₹19,240 Cr₹16,476 Cr₹15,750 Cr
     Contributions to EPF & Pension Funds ₹3,901 Cr₹3,137 Cr₹3,273 Cr₹2,900 Cr₹2,734 Cr
     Workmen and Staff Welfare Expenses ₹953 Cr₹811 Cr₹751 Cr₹532 Cr₹668 Cr
     Other Employees Cost -----
Other Manufacturing Expenses ₹41,027 Cr₹40,069 Cr₹38,145 Cr₹24,229 Cr₹23,683 Cr
     Sub-contracted / Out sourced services -----
     Processing Charges ₹2,854 Cr₹3,092 Cr₹2,866 Cr₹2,112 Cr₹2,687 Cr
     Repairs and Maintenance ₹12,339 Cr₹11,673 Cr₹9,689 Cr₹7,523 Cr₹7,097 Cr
     Packing Material Consumed -----
     Other Mfg Exp ₹25,834 Cr₹25,303 Cr₹25,591 Cr₹14,594 Cr₹13,898 Cr
General and Administration Expenses ₹17,859 Cr₹12,816 Cr₹16,563 Cr₹9,637 Cr₹10,587 Cr
     Rent , Rates & Taxes ₹6,440 Cr₹4,895 Cr₹5,190 Cr₹3,859 Cr₹3,539 Cr
     Insurance ₹712 Cr₹696 Cr₹481 Cr₹509 Cr₹370 Cr
     Printing and stationery -----
     Professional and legal fees -----
     Traveling and conveyance -----
     Other Administration ₹10,708 Cr₹7,225 Cr₹10,893 Cr₹5,269 Cr₹6,678 Cr
Selling and Distribution Expenses ₹13,240 Cr₹13,005 Cr₹12,464 Cr₹9,658 Cr₹9,361 Cr
     Advertisement & Sales Promotion -----
     Sales Commissions & Incentives ₹309 Cr₹357 Cr₹326 Cr₹304 Cr₹241 Cr
     Freight and Forwarding ₹12,931 Cr₹12,648 Cr₹12,139 Cr₹9,353 Cr₹9,120 Cr
     Handling and Clearing Charges -----
     Other Selling Expenses -----
Miscellaneous Expenses ₹184 Cr₹1,712 Cr₹1,415 Cr₹1,981 Cr₹734 Cr
     Bad debts /advances written off -----
     Provision for doubtful debts ₹114 Cr₹11 Cr₹83 Cr₹85 Cr-
     Losson disposal of fixed assets(net) -₹44 Cr--₹4.36 Cr
     Losson foreign exchange fluctuations ₹42 Cr₹1,658 Cr₹1,332 Cr₹1,895 Cr₹722 Cr
     Losson sale of non-trade current investments -----
     Other Miscellaneous Expenses ₹28 Cr---₹7.08 Cr
Less: Expenses Capitalised ₹1,915 Cr₹1,690 Cr₹2,890 Cr₹1,766 Cr₹2,318 Cr
Total Expenditure ₹206,893 Cr₹211,096 Cr₹180,469 Cr₹125,973 Cr₹131,150 Cr
Operating Profit (Excl OI) ₹22,278 Cr₹32,257 Cr₹63,490 Cr₹30,504 Cr₹17,822 Cr
Other Income ₹1,837 Cr₹1,081 Cr₹785 Cr₹896 Cr₹1,828 Cr
     Interest Received ₹471 Cr₹346 Cr₹244 Cr₹280 Cr₹1,395 Cr
     Dividend Received ₹51 Cr₹40 Cr₹35 Cr₹42 Cr₹47 Cr
     Profit on sale of Fixed Assets ₹961 Cr-₹95 Cr₹148 Cr-
     Profits on sale of Investments -₹0.88 Cr₹0.22 Cr₹0.27 Cr₹2.01 Cr
     Provision Written Back -----
     Foreign Exchange Gains -----
     Others ₹354 Cr₹695 Cr₹410 Cr₹425 Cr₹384 Cr
Operating Profit ₹24,115 Cr₹33,338 Cr₹64,275 Cr₹31,400 Cr₹19,650 Cr
Interest ₹7,508 Cr₹6,299 Cr₹5,462 Cr₹7,607 Cr₹7,581 Cr
     InterestonDebenture / Bonds ₹7,608 Cr₹6,008 Cr₹5,007 Cr₹7,090 Cr₹7,139 Cr
     Interest on Term Loan -----
     Intereston Fixed deposits -----
     Bank Charges etc -----
     Other Interest ₹-100 Cr₹291 Cr₹455 Cr₹517 Cr₹442 Cr
PBDT ₹16,607 Cr₹27,039 Cr₹58,813 Cr₹23,793 Cr₹12,069 Cr
Depreciation ₹9,882 Cr₹9,335 Cr₹9,101 Cr₹9,234 Cr₹8,708 Cr
Profit Before Taxation & Exceptional Items ₹6,725 Cr₹17,704 Cr₹49,712 Cr₹14,560 Cr₹3,361 Cr
Exceptional Income / Expenses ₹-7,814 Cr₹113 Cr₹-134 Cr₹-1,043 Cr₹-4,930 Cr
Profit Before Tax ₹-1,147 Cr₹18,235 Cr₹50,227 Cr₹13,844 Cr₹-1,380 Cr
Provision for Tax ₹3,763 Cr₹10,160 Cr₹8,478 Cr₹5,654 Cr₹-2,553 Cr
     Current Income Tax ₹5,369 Cr₹5,325 Cr₹7,050 Cr₹4,288 Cr₹2,114 Cr
     Deferred Tax ₹-1,528 Cr₹4,798 Cr₹1,428 Cr₹1,366 Cr₹-4,667 Cr
     Other taxes ₹-79 Cr₹36 Cr---
Profit After Tax ₹-4,910 Cr₹8,075 Cr₹41,749 Cr₹8,190 Cr₹1,172 Cr
Extra items -----
Minority Interest ₹472 Cr₹685 Cr₹-1,595 Cr₹-700 Cr₹384 Cr
Share of Associate -----
Other Consolidated Items -----
Consolidated Net Profit ₹-4,437 Cr₹8,760 Cr₹40,154 Cr₹7,490 Cr₹1,557 Cr
Adjustments to PAT -----
Profit Balance B/F ₹48,166 Cr₹55,648 Cr₹16,477 Cr₹18,128 Cr₹14,056 Cr
Appropriations ₹43,729 Cr₹64,408 Cr₹56,631 Cr₹25,618 Cr₹15,613 Cr
     General Reserves -----
     Proposed Equity Dividend -----
     Corporate dividend tax -----
     Other Appropriation ₹8,913 Cr₹16,242 Cr₹983 Cr₹9,141 Cr₹-2,515 Cr
Equity Dividend % ₹360.00₹360.00₹510.00₹250.00₹100.00
Earnings Per Share ₹-3.56₹7.17₹328.86₹62.55₹13.60
Adjusted EPS ₹-3.56₹7.17₹32.89₹6.26₹1.36

Compare Income Statement of peers of TATA STEEL

Peers & Returns Market Capitalization 1 Week 1 Month 1 Year
TATA STEEL ₹167,903.1 Cr 1.7% 3.7% -5.6% Stock Analytics
JSW STEEL ₹239,361.0 Cr 2.3% 5.7% 18.7% Stock Analytics
JINDAL STAINLESS ₹48,075.2 Cr -3.2% -7.9% -6.5% Stock Analytics
STEEL AUTHORITY OF INDIA ₹43,122.7 Cr -1.3% -5.1% -17.4% Stock Analytics
APL APOLLO TUBES ₹36,740.1 Cr -1.4% -16.5% -6.9% Stock Analytics
MOTHERSON SUMI WIRING INDIA ₹21,353.9 Cr -5% -14% -31.9% Stock Analytics

TATA STEEL Share Price vs Sensex

Share Price Returns(%) 1 Week 1 Month 1 Year








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