Home > Income Statement > INDIAN OVERSEAS BANK

Income Statement

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INDIAN OVERSEAS BANK Last 5 Year Income Statement History


Interest Earned ₹24,066 Cr₹19,407 Cr₹16,736 Cr₹16,976 Cr₹3,485 Cr
     Interest / Discount on advances / Bills ₹17,577 Cr₹13,151 Cr₹10,666 Cr₹10,840 Cr-
     Interest on balances with RBI and other Inter-bank funds ₹238 Cr₹405 Cr₹235 Cr₹311 Cr-
     Income on investments ₹5,952 Cr₹5,850 Cr₹5,676 Cr₹5,714 Cr-
     Others ₹300 Cr-₹160 Cr₹111 Cr₹3,485 Cr
Other Income ₹5,665 Cr₹4,116 Cr₹4,905 Cr₹5,486 Cr₹525 Cr
     Commission,exchange and brokerage ₹1,331 Cr₹1,221 Cr₹1,040 Cr₹949 Cr-
     Profit / (loss)on sale of investments(net) ₹273 Cr₹250 Cr₹934 Cr₹1,820 Cr-
     Profit on sale of Fixed Assets ₹2.21 Cr₹1.58 Cr₹1.20 Cr₹1.49 Cr-
     Foreign Exchange Gains ₹193 Cr₹565 Cr₹898 Cr₹603 Cr-
     Income earned from subsidiaries/joint venture -----
     Rent / Lease Income -----
     Provisions Written Back -----
     Miscellaneous income ₹3,866 Cr₹2,080 Cr₹2,032 Cr₹2,112 Cr₹525 Cr
Total Income ₹29,731 Cr₹23,523 Cr₹21,641 Cr₹22,461 Cr₹4,010 Cr
Interest Expended ₹14,227 Cr₹11,146 Cr₹10,419 Cr₹11,069 Cr₹2,265 Cr
     Intereston Deposits ₹12,615 Cr₹10,536 Cr₹10,220 Cr₹10,704 Cr-
     Interest on RBI / inter-bank borrowings ₹1,612 Cr₹610 Cr₹199 Cr₹366 Cr-
     Other Interest ₹-0.06 Cr₹0.03 Cr₹0.01 Cr₹0.02 Cr₹2,265 Cr
Operating Expenses ₹8,731 Cr₹6,430 Cr₹5,459 Cr₹5,569 Cr₹949 Cr
     Payments to and provisions for employees ₹6,143 Cr₹4,102 Cr₹3,489 Cr₹3,706 Cr-
     Rent,Taxes and lighting ₹529 Cr₹493 Cr₹446 Cr₹418 Cr-
     Depreciation on Banks property ₹336 Cr₹260 Cr₹173 Cr₹258 Cr-
     Depreciation on leased assets -----
     Auditor's fees and expenses ₹30 Cr₹31 Cr₹39 Cr₹36 Cr-
     Law charges ₹31 Cr₹25 Cr₹24 Cr₹30 Cr-
     Communication Expenses ₹61 Cr₹68 Cr₹68 Cr₹67 Cr-
     Repairs and Maintenance ₹43 Cr₹27 Cr₹23 Cr₹20 Cr-
     Insurance ₹350 Cr₹341 Cr₹323 Cr₹300 Cr-
     Other expenses ₹1,206 Cr₹1,082 Cr₹875 Cr₹734 Cr₹949 Cr
Provisions and Contingencies ₹2,617 Cr₹3,365 Cr₹3,984 Cr₹5,056 Cr₹379 Cr
     Provision for investments ₹-0.49 Cr₹1.35 Cr₹249 Cr₹-165 Cr-
     Provision for advances ₹2,587 Cr₹2,382 Cr₹3,593 Cr₹4,821 Cr-
     Others Provisions ₹31 Cr₹981 Cr₹142 Cr₹400 Cr₹379 Cr
Profit Before Tax ₹4,157 Cr₹2,582 Cr₹1,779 Cr₹767 Cr₹417 Cr
Taxes ₹1,491 Cr₹478 Cr₹70 Cr₹8.24 Cr-
     Current Income Tax ₹757 Cr₹249 Cr₹32 Cr₹23 Cr-
     Deferred Tax ₹734 Cr₹229 Cr₹38 Cr₹-15 Cr-
     Other taxes -----
Profit After Tax ₹2,666 Cr₹2,104 Cr₹1,709 Cr₹758 Cr₹417 Cr
Extra items -----
Minority Interest -----
Share of Associate -----
Other Consolidated Items -----
Consolidated Net Profit ₹2,666 Cr₹2,104 Cr₹1,709 Cr₹758 Cr₹417 Cr
Adjustments to PAT -----
IV. APPROPRIATIONS ₹-13,789 Cr₹-15,906 Cr₹-17,115 Cr₹-18,221 Cr₹417 Cr
     Transfer to Statutory Reserve ₹664 Cr₹525 Cr₹493 Cr-₹125 Cr
     Appropriation to General Reserve -----
     Appropriation to Revenue Reserve ₹8.93 Cr----
     Appropriation to Other Reserves -----
     Equity Dividend ----₹71 Cr
     Corporate dividend tax ----₹9.12 Cr
     Other appropriations ₹-14,462 Cr₹-16,431 Cr₹-17,608 Cr₹-18,221 Cr₹212 Cr
Equity Dividend % ----₹16.00
Earnings Per Share ₹1.41₹1.11₹0.90₹0.46₹9.37
Adjusted EPS ₹1.41₹1.11₹0.90₹0.46₹9.37

Compare Income Statement of peers of INDIAN OVERSEAS BANK

Peers & Returns Market Capitalization 1 Week 1 Month 1 Year
INDIAN OVERSEAS BANK ₹85,382.1 Cr -5.4% -11.7% -32.4% Stock Analytics
STATE BANK OF INDIA ₹647,704.0 Cr -1% -4.4% -3.5% Stock Analytics
BANK OF BARODA ₹106,530.0 Cr -3.2% -10.3% -24.9% Stock Analytics
PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK ₹105,563.0 Cr -4% -8.4% -28.4% Stock Analytics
UNION BANK OF INDIA ₹83,740.6 Cr -4.7% 0.2% -24.8% Stock Analytics
CANARA BANK ₹76,774.0 Cr -6.6% -14.9% -27.4% Stock Analytics

INDIAN OVERSEAS BANK Share Price vs Sensex

Share Price Returns(%) 1 Week 1 Month 1 Year








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